Ballsy! now has local multiplayer support

It may not be the most useful addition during these trying times, but I've added local multiplayer support to Ballsy! World Cup 2020. You can now play with or against friends, or more likely today, your siblings ;)

Gamepads will be auto-detected on the first launch, and Ballsy! will try to set default buttons accordingly. You can always add or remove controllers later, and use the reset button in the player's button setup page to re-initialize these defaults.

In the match menu, everyone can now select a side they wish to play for, and then the first players of both sides can select a team.

Keep in mind that the coop & vs modes, gameplay wise, have not been tested all too much, since I don't have access to actual friends in the current intelligent lockdown situation. So your feedback is highly appreciated!

Files 24 MB
May 01, 2020

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